You are far ahead of where I was at your age! I know that makes me sound old (perhaps I am 😅) and patronizing, but I intend it to be genuine admiration and joy for you.

The first words of your article -- the subhead "A Good Citizen" -- made me laugh, as I'm an advocate for Bad Citizens 😎

Allbest to you, wherever you reside!

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Your comment made me laugh and smile brightly. Thanks for the good wishes!

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Sep 11Liked by David Jäkle

And I will add, if I were you I would avoid all of the five eye countries, namely all the English speaking ones. These are fully ruled by satanist masons.

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Sep 21Liked by David Jäkle

Some might say to avoid the 14 eyes countries, plus the third party contributor countries as well 🤷

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I was able to move from Venezuela to Texas on a work based visa (H1B), as a bilingual teacher. This might be an option for you if you have a bachelor's degree and speak Spanish, or have a Math/Science degree. Not enough teachers in Texas, and it's possible to get you teacher certification online, and just come take the tests in Texas.

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Thanks for that suggestion! I am learning Spanish currently and definitely couldn't teach it. My Business Administration degree won't help here either probably. However, on top of that, as described, I am unsure if I even would want to come to the US. We'll see how everything develops, but currently I am treading another path (which I will describe in the subsequent parts of the Meaningful Autonomy story ;) ). I might want to get back to this idea if this way doesn't work out like I hope it will.

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"I couldn’t attain a relocation opportunity."

Yet another sign of today's topsy-turviness. Had you been an illegal drug dealer, for instance...

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I guess I chose the wrong profession.

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Too late now, you've got your academic hat on!

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I ruined my life before I really even started it :)

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I don’t mean to discourage you, there is always a chance for a fresh start… are you ready to try dealing on the streets of San Francisco? There might be a job opening there!

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Sep 21Liked by David Jäkle

Hello David, I am enjoying your content and looking forward to hearing more from you. I work in the oil and gas industry and my company is a transnational mega corporation with business units in many countries. If you are still interested in moving abroad maybe you could find a company or industry in Germany or the EU that would afford you the opportunity for working abroad with them? You would probably need to work domestically with them for a couple years to “pay your dues” but then many doors will open up for you that you may never have known about otherwise. You could also look into getting a student visa to come study in the United States or wherever.


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Hi Danway, thanks for the compliments and that suggestion. I am already in this situation, but I don't like the idea of "something might come in a few years." That is why I wrote: "Maybe, with some more experience, an opportunity would arise in the next 5 to 10 years, but for the time being, I had to stay in Germany. However, in addition to the fact that this relocation opportunity wasn’t certain to arise, there were 3 main reasons why I did not want to wait for that long: I did not want to continue this life for, possibly, another decade; threats like Agenda 2030 are approaching; nobody is dependent on me which makes moving a lot easier. The point to take action had come."

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Sep 11Liked by David Jäkle

Hey Bro south América or south East Asia is much more expat friendly and you think Germany is bad, Canada is FUBARed for at least a full generational cycle and perhaps we will never recover from Trudeau and the WEF.

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Sep 11Liked by David Jäkle

I would never relocate the USA! Americans are poisoned from every corner: food, drinking water, air, the amount of chemicals and pesticides used is insane and most are forbidden in the EU.

Read the recent piece of Conspiracy Sarah. And it's barely scratching the surface.

So, no if you want to preserve and cultivate health, the US is to be avoided.

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That is right. I am fairly convinced that, with individual responsibility, you can avoid much of that, but it surely does require a lot of effort and I am looking after my health quite diligently.

Coming from that perspective, what would be a country you recommend?

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Sep 11Liked by David Jäkle

Costa Rica bro

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That is one that was on my list, but doesn't fit my specific situation.

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by David Jäkle

Texas needs more people like you. Hopefully you make it here, or anywhere that fits your values.

My father immigrated to the US from the Middle East at thirty years old, with hardly any grasp of the English language, to complete his medical school and residency, etc., before becoming a surgeon. He spent some of the intervening years studying in Germany with the top surgeons at the time (Zielke and Harms). Before he left his country of origin, he was approached by some armed military men (this was during the "election" over there) with a piece of paper. Written on it was "Hafez al-Asad for President, check 'yes' or 'no.'"

That was his cue to get as far away as he could.

Looking forward to the rest of your story.

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Thank you for the compliment and thank you for sharing that story! Such stories are always incredible to hear.

In fact, I have asked myself this previously, as well: Should I take all of the totalitarianism that is happening as a sign to leave. Did the people in Nazi Germany not see the signs? I feel like attacks on free expression becoming stronger is such a sign. Furthermore, conscription is begging to be discussed here (we currently don't have it).

However, let me ask you: Don't you think such signs can be seen in the US as well? What is going on around child mutilation, for instance? Or how the president is surely not running anything (don't want to get into a left/right discussion here, but he surely doesn't make any decisions).

Aren't you concerned about that?

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Aug 25·edited Aug 25Liked by David Jäkle

Of course, I'm concerned about the direction of this country. I see the current state of the US as similar to Britain after World War I - financially bankrupt and unaware that the "empire" has already collapsed to a large degree.

To that end, I've taken steps to put myself as far away as I can from the harmful effects of the government and related institutions. Specific examples include moving to Texas (a relatively free state in the US, but not entirely so), homeschooling our children, avoiding political participation, and obtaining a degree of financial freedom and flexibility (most of which I obtained while living overseas for several years, focusing exclusively on work, and reducing my income tax liability).

Leaving the US is also an option, if needed, though probably unlikely. I spent several years living outside the country and I will continue to travel as much as possible with my wife (who is also an immigrant) and kids, so there is an awareness of other places that might be suitable.

There are no perfect solutions, but these are some of the steps that I've chosen to mitigate what I see going on around me.

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So you’ve taken reasonable steps to prevent damage to your family. Your approach seems like a good one to me. I love that you are aware of the problem (and agree with your comparison to Britain after WWI) and that there might com point where you need to take serious steps to protect yourself. That is something that I am missing in some liberty-minded (often Republican) folks, who I generally agree with when they point out some issues of the country.

Thank you for sharing this!

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So you're from Texas, same as Alec Zeck. Check this interview out.


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I write that I considered moving to the US. Accordingly, I am not from Texas.😅

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