Sep 3Liked by David Jäkle

You can’t ignore the fact that Corporatism is a collectivist tool granted private property rights with special privileges that violate individual rights, in combination with corruption by big government, we are living under the rule of The UniParty: big Gov + big Corp, a fascist oligarchy that betrays the Constitution and the people.

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Monopolistic mega corporations are a symptom of a free market in the same sense that asphyxiation is a symptom of respiration.

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Sep 4Liked by David Jäkle

That would be true in a capitalist system with fair competition where consumers choose where to spend their money based on the highest value, but you are ignoring the fact that government corruption allows special privileges to those large corporations in the form of tax exemptions, rules and regulations that are by design cost prohibitive to small private owned businesses and individuals, not to mention the incentives for big corporations to pay off career politicians who get rich while in office selling their votes to pass those same tax exemptions, rules and regulations. The government contract industries create a “secondary” level of government dependency favoring never ending growth in the size and spending of government. Combined Big Gov + Big Corp become richer, larger and more powerful than the independent voters in a Democratic Republic and therefore win elections more easily even before considering the rigging and cheating they employ to ensure their victory. Corporatism is crony (fake) capitalism. Corporations are a collective/group with special privileges, no less than in fact much worse and more dangerous than groups in poverty receding welfare: both are forms of government dependency and welfare. You simply choosing to ignore this fact by describing it as a natural part of capitalism is turning a blind eye and allowing yourself to be an accessory to the crime: tyranny of The UniParty, big Gov + big Corp = Fascism. We are there. Can you handle the truth?

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I completely agree with you. My comment says quite exactly that in short: Our current cronyism is not a symptom of free markets. It is a symptom of government meddling.

Your comment is a proper assessment of what we have at the moment. Especially the ""secondary' level of government" hits the mark. I love it!

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Sep 10Liked by David Jäkle

I have fun when people judge me.

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Sep 10·edited Sep 10Author

That is the right attitude.

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Sep 1Liked by David Jäkle

Every human being has an intrinsic value that cannot be taken away.

And still they collect us like chattel.

Collectively, then changing our frequency or perception, uniformly, with ONE Design, is the Answer.

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Although almost everybody would agree with the statement that every human has an intrinsic value, the actions of some (especially those with power) don't show this belief.

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Sep 2Liked by David Jäkle

Those IN Power, have acquired special talents either in-bread in them, or (buy) other means,

There sensors are muted and mangled and singularly focused on the tasked assignment.

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Sep 1Liked by David Jäkle

Group think, or collectivist thinking, always seems to devolve to the lowest common denominator, where it isn't actually manipulated by those who have made a science out of the manipulation of the masses for their own purposes. So telling how you point out that "diversity of superficial characteristics is allowed and celebrated, while diversity of thought is suppressed and punished." This really does demonstrates the superficiality and lack of real values and intelligence such thought actually represents, and should be widely known.

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It is baffling to me that not more people recognize this. Everybody knows who facilitates "cancel culture," and (I think) most would disagree with the idea of eradicating someone's life because they said X or Y, but few seem to see how the promoted "diversity" doesn't permeate deeply.

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Sep 1Liked by David Jäkle

People seem very susceptible to being led around by the nose as long as it is coming from an "authoritative" source, meaning a source that has been given a lot of fake credibility by the big money people who don't have to earn it due to their financial scams like the federal reserve. They can use that ill gotten gain to buy up all the talking heads, University owners and operators, book publishers etc. etc. People are kept to distracted to ever recognize this fraud for what it is, that takes a little bit of research and the ability to think for yourself.

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That is a good explanation. Nonetheless, I am still baffled.

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I have found that most individuals add to awareness. The young must listen to the knowledgeable, the knowledgeable person naturally appreciate the wise. Arguing with a fooled person, a bystander would be confused as to which is the fool. Wise men are gentle so that with time, awareness becomes knowledge. To make a fool angry, you lose the chance to live in peace and above all, prosperity because you lost a friend to influence. So, be nice and strive to understand evil together. Evil strives to create dichotomies so that we blame each other, instead of focusing on sharing knowledge. By experience, I’ve been stigmatized in all sorts of ways. The “Bill of Rights” uses the word disparage. So I ask of you to expand your ability to influence with the question, “What does disparage mean?”

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First and Foremost, language has devolved, lost its flavor with even our Generation let alone what's upon the Pubes minds these days... that was disparaging.....

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Hello TMc. To understand, one must know the language. I must be blunt. You did not use the word disparage correctly. To disparage someone is to belittle them, or cause a loss of reputation. In the 9th amendment, the word construe is used. So we leave public schools without very important knowledge of the “Bill of Rights”. Is it wise to allow a corrupt judge to misuse the B of R, or ignore the B of R? Without knowledge, we lose. So may I suggest that you look at a real dictionary and find the word construe in the 9th amendment.

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Now to add as to what I was writing. The modern dictionary intentionally does not define the word “construe” correctly. To construe means to amend, change, make oblique or amend. Now read the 9th amendment and become just a little bit more wise TMc. You know the saying, you can take a horse to water, but…

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I don’t know why I misinterpreted construe. The idea is that persons even under suspicion should not be denied a fair trial by discriminatory acts by prejudicial statements before trial. The jury must be open minded to the idea of possibly political prosecution.

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No disagreement on Any of your thoughts, even as far back as the 70’s we were disparaged willingly and unwilling.

A feeble attempt at humor while hi-lighting the sorry state of education we find our children being disparaged with today !

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